Source code for genome_kit.variant_genome

# Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Deep Genomics Inc. All Rights Reserved.
from __future__ import absolute_import

from functools import partial

from . import _util
from . import interval as _interval
from ._apply_variants import apply_variants, check_variants_list

[docs] class VariantGenome(object): """A reference genome with a number of variants applied to it. A variant genome behaves like a :py:class:`~genome_kit.Genome` object, object, except any requests for DNA sequence (or quantities that depend on DNA sequence) will be returned with the variants already applied. If the variants change the length of the sequence, then the interval's `anchor` and `anchor_offset` determine how the query interval will be aligned to the variant genome's coordinate system. TODO: see explanation of anchors. """ __slots__ = ('genome', 'variants')
[docs] def __init__(self, reference_genome, variants): """Initialize a variant genome. Parameters ---------- reference_genome : :py:class:`~genome_kit.Genome` The reference genome to which variants are applied. variants : :py:class:`~genome_kit.Variant` | :py:class:`list` of (:py:class:`~genome_kit.Variant`) Either a single variant or a list of variants. Aligned-normalization of variants is not yet implemented, so the user is currently responsible for not passing variants that overlap. The variants must be provided as a :py:class:`~genome_kit.Variant` object. String variants are no longer allowed, please see :py:class:`~genome_kit.Variant` for more information. Since we assume that variants never overlap one another this means that all variant positions are with respect to the reference genome. """ self.genome = reference_genome self.variants = check_variants_list(self.genome, variants)
[docs] def dna(self, interval, allow_outside_chromosome=True): """Extract variant DNA for an anchored interval or coordinate. Parameters ---------- interval : :py:class:`~genome_kit.Interval` If `interval` is on the negative strand, the reverse complement sequence is returned. The `interval.anchor` and `interval.anchor_offset` attributes determine the policy of how length-changing variants are applied. Returns ------- :py:class:`str` The variant DNA sequence. """ return apply_variants( partial(self.genome.dna, allow_outside_chromosome=allow_outside_chromosome), self.variants, interval, )
[docs] def find_motif(self, interval, motif, match_position=0, find_overlapping_motifs=False): """Find a genomic motif in an interval on a :py:class:`~genome_kit.VariantGenome`. This method finds all occurrences of a genomic motif on a VariantGenome. It can handle all kinds of variants including indels and complex variants. When a motif is found within an insertion, it will set the ``anchor_offset`` attribute on the returned :py:class:`~genome_kit.Interval`. Parameters ---------- interval : :py:class:`~genome_kit.Interval` A genomic interval to search for the motif. motif : :py:class:`str` A genomic motif to search for. match_position : :py:class:`int` | :py:class:`str` Very often you want to find a position after a motif or in the middle of a motif. For example, when you are searching for a ``AG`` core acceptor site motif you want to match the 3p end of the ``AG`` motif to return the position of the putative splice site. To do this you can specify a match position as string with the values ``"3p"`` or ``"5p"``, or you can pass an integer that indicates a position in the motif with ``0 <= match_position <= len(motif)``. find_overlapping_motifs : :py:class:`bool` Whether to return matches for overlapping motifs. The default is to only find non-overlapping motifs. Returns ------- :py:class`list` of :py:class:`~genome_kit.Interval` A list of all matches (length-0 intervals) found in the query interval. Example -------:: >>> from genome_kit import Genome, Variant >>> genome = Genome('hg19') >>> variant = Variant.from_string("chr1:40033:A:G", genome) >>> variant_genome = VariantGenome(genome, variant) >>> interval = genome.interval('chr1', '+', 40000, 40080) >>> motif = 'TAG' >>> variant_genome.find_motif(interval, motif) [Interval("chr1", "+", 40030, 40030, "hg19", 40030)] """ # TODO: Longterm we'll want to move towards a generator function to be more efficient # TODO: on long intervals. if match_position == '5p': match_position = 0 elif match_position == '3p': match_position = len(motif) if not (0 <= match_position <= len(motif)): raise ValueError("Require 0 <= match_position <= len(motif) [match_position={}]".format(match_position)) strand = interval.strand == '+' # All motif finding is done on the reference strand. Therefore the motif # is reverse complemented when the interval is on the reverse strand. As # well, the match_position is recomputed to be applied from the end of the # motif (such at it is correct on the reverse strand), e.g. '5p' means # match_position = 0 on the forward strand and match_position = len(motif) on # the reverse strand. if not strand: match_position = len(motif) - match_position motif = motif.upper() dna_start = interval.start if not strand: motif = _util.reverse_complement(motif) # We extend the interval by one to to handle the case when # match_position=len(motif) and the motif occurs at the very # end of the interval. In that case we would get # pos+match_position == len(reference_alignment) which results in # an IndexError. forward_interval = _interval.Interval(interval.chromosome, '+', interval.start, interval.end + 1, interval.reference_genome, interval.anchor, interval.anchor_offset) # We get both the DNA itself and the reference alignment. The reference alignment # is necessary for constructing a Coordinate that is in terms of the reference # genome. dna, reference_alignment = apply_variants( self.genome.dna, self.variants, forward_interval, reference_alignment=True) # We truncate only the DNA by one so we don't get any matches past the interval dna = dna[:-1] motif_hits = [] offset = 0 if find_overlapping_motifs: offset_step = 1 else: offset_step = len(motif) while True: pos = dna.find(motif, offset) if pos == -1: break pos_ref = reference_alignment[pos + match_position] anchor_offset = 0 if isinstance(pos_ref, tuple): pos_ref, anchor_offset = pos_ref elif pos + match_position > 0: # if this is immediately after an insertion, we need to set # the anchor offset past the insertion so expanding upstream # still works prev_ref = reference_alignment[pos + match_position - 1] if isinstance(prev_ref, tuple): pos_ref, anchor_offset = prev_ref anchor_offset += 1 anchor = dna_start + pos_ref hit = _interval.Interval( interval.chromosome, interval.strand, anchor, anchor, interval.refg, anchor=anchor, anchor_offset=anchor_offset) motif_hits.append(hit) offset = pos + offset_step return motif_hits
[docs] def __repr__(self): return '<VariantGenome {} with {} variants>'.format(self.reference_genome, len(self.variants))
def __getattr__(self, name): # Intercept any attribute requests that weren't found on the VariantGenome object itself, # and forward those requests to the Genome object we're wrapping. # TODO: This is problematic: See DGENGINE-1401 return self.genome.__getattribute__(name)