# Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Deep Genomics Inc. All Rights Reserved.
from __future__ import annotations
import os
from functools import partial
from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
from . import _cxx
from . import genome_annotation as _ga
from . import interval as _interval
from ._apply_variants import apply_variants, check_variants_list
from ._cxx_util import mock, mock_result
from ._util import reverse_complement
from .variant import Variant
class Genome(_cxx.Genome):
"""Initialize a reference genome and its corresponding resources (DNA, annotations, etc).
A genome object represents a reference genome and resources available for it,
such as DNA and annotations::
>>> genome = Genome("gencode.v19")
>>> exon = genome.exons[0] # 1st annotated exon.
>>> dna = genome.dna(exon) # Extract DNA.
The initializer argument specifies a versioned resource::
# Access resources that are hg19
# GENCODE v29 implies hg38
The currently recognized strings depend on the data made available by data_manager.
Some common ones are::
reference_genomes = [
annotations = [
"gencode.v19", # implies hg19.p13.plusMT
"gencode.v29", # implies hg38.p12
"gencode.v29.basic", # implies hg38.p12
"gencode.v29lift37", # implies hg19
"gencode.v29lift37.basic", # implies hg19
"gencode.v41", # implies hg38.p13
"gencode.v41.basic", # implies hg38.p13
"gencode.v41lift37", # implies hg19
"gencode.v41lift37.basic", # implies hg19
"ucsc_refseq.2017-06-25", # implies hg19
"ncbi_refseq.v105.20190906", # implies hg19.p13.plusMT
"ncbi_refseq.v109", # implies hg38.p12
"ncbi_refseq.v110", # implies hg38.p14
"gencode.vM19", # implies mm10.p6
"gencode.vM19.basic", # implies mm10.p6
"gencode.vM30", # implies mm39
"gencode.vM30.basic", # implies mm39
"gencode.vM31", # implies mm39
"gencode.vM31.basic", # implies mm39
"ncbi_refseq.m39.v109", # implies mm39
"ensembl.Rnor_6.0.88", # implies rn6
"ncbi_refseq.Macfas_5.0.v101", # implies macFas5
"ensembl.Macfas_5.0.95", # implies macFas5
"ensembl.Sscrofa11.1.98", # implies susScr11
If a resource is requested after object creation, but the version
needed cannot be disambiguated from `config`, an exception is raised.
config : :py:class:`str`
Identifies a versioned resource that this genome object is
expected to serve.
def __init__(self, config): # pragma: no cover
self._chromosome_sizes = None
self._appris_indices = None
self._appris_transcripts = None
self._appris_transcripts_by_gene = None
self._appris_principality_strings = ('PRINCIPAL:1', 'PRINCIPAL:2', 'PRINCIPAL:3', 'PRINCIPAL:4', 'PRINCIPAL:5',
genome_cache = WeakValueDictionary()
def __reduce__(self):
return (type(self), (self.config, ))
def __new__(cls, config): # pragma: no cover
if cls == Genome:
genome = Genome.genome_cache.get(config, None)
if genome:
return genome
genome = _cxx.Genome.__new__(cls, config)
if cls == Genome: # do not cache subclasses (like mocks)
Genome.genome_cache[config] = genome
return genome
def interval(self, chromosome, strand, start, end):
"""Shorthand method for creating an Interval with the same refg as the genome object called on.
return _interval.Interval(chromosome, strand, start, end, self.refg)
def variant(self, variant_string):
"""Shorthand method for creating a Variant with the same refg as the genome object called on.
return Variant.from_string(variant_string, self)
def dna(self, interval, allow_outside_chromosome=True): # pragma: no cover
"""Extract DNA from a reference genome.
If `interval` is on the negative strand, the reverse complement sequence is returned.
If `interval` is outside the range of the chromosome, an :py:exc:`IndexError` is raised.
interval : :py:class:`~genome_kit.Interval`
The query interval.
allow_outside_chromosome : :py:class:`bool`
If False, does not allow the interval to be outside the range of the chromosome.
Attempting to pass an interval outside the chromosome range will raise an :py:exc:`IndexError`.
If not specified, defaults to True. Any base outside the chromosome range will be returned as an 'N'.
The DNA sequence.
return mock_result(str)
def variant_dna(self, interval, variants, allow_outside_chromosome=True):
"""Extract DNA from a genome with specific variants applied to it.
Follows the same rules as :py:meth:`~genome_kit.VariantGenome.dna`.
Intended for applying sets of variants that may overlap `interval`.
interval : :py:class:`~genome_kit.Interval`
The query interval.
variants : :py:class:`~genome_kit.Variant` | :py:class:`list` of (:py:class:`~genome_kit.Variant`)
Either a single variant or a list of variants. See :py:class:`~genome_kit.VariantGenome`.
The variant DNA sequence.
return apply_variants(
partial(self.dna, allow_outside_chromosome=allow_outside_chromosome),
check_variants_list(self, variants),
def annotation(self): # pragma: no cover
"""Access to annotations.
A shorthand property `anno` is also available.
An object that provides access to annotated genes, transcripts, and exons.
return mock_result(_ga.GenomeAnnotation)
def genes(self): # pragma: no cover
"""Access to annotated genes.
This is shorthand for `annotation.genes`.
An object that supports looping or queries over annotated genes.
return mock_result(_ga.GeneTable)
def transcripts(self): # pragma: no cover
"""Access to annotated transcripts.
This is shorthand for `annotation.transcripts`.
A shorthand property `trans` is also available.
An object that supports looping or queries over annotated transcripts.
return mock_result(_ga.TranscriptTable)
def exons(self): # pragma: no cover
"""Access to annotated exons.
This is shorthand for `annotation.exons`.
An object that supports looping or queries over annotated exons.
return mock_result(_ga.ExonTable)
def introns(self): # pragma: no cover
"""Access to annotated introns.
This is shorthand for `annotation.introns`.
An object that supports looping or queries over annotated introns.
return mock_result(_ga.IntronTable)
def cdss(self): # pragma: no cover
"""Access to annotated coding sequences (CDSs).
This is shorthand for `annotation.cdss`.
An object that supports looping or queries over annotated coding sequences.
return mock_result(_ga.CdsTable)
def utr5s(self): # pragma: no cover
"""Access to annotated UTR5 sequences.
This is shorthand for `annotation.utr5s`.
An object that supports looping or queries over annotated coding sequences.
return mock_result(_ga.Utr5Table)
def utr3s(self): # pragma: no cover
"""Access to annotated UTR3 sequences.
This is shorthand for `annotation.utr3s`.
An object that supports looping or queries over annotated coding sequences.
return mock_result(_ga.Utr3Table)
def find_motif(self, interval, motif, match_position=0, find_overlapping_motifs=False):
"""Find a genomic motif in an interval on a :py:class:`~genome_kit.Genome`.
interval : :py:class:`~genome_kit.Interval`
A genomic interval to search for the motif.
motif : :py:class:`str`
A genomic motif to search for.
match_position : :py:class:`int` | :py:class:`str`
Very often you want to find a position after a motif or in the middle
of a motif. For example, when you are searching for a ``AG`` core
acceptor site motif you want to match the 3p end of the ``AG`` motif to
return the position of the putative splice site.
To do this you can specify a match position as string with the values
``"3p"`` or ``"5p"``, or you can pass an integer that indicates a position
in the motif with ``0 <= match_position <= len(motif)``.
find_overlapping_motifs : :py:class:`bool`
Whether to return matches for overlapping motifs. The default is to only
find non-overlapping motifs.
:py:class:`list` of :py:class:`~genome_kit.Interval`
A list of all matches (length-0 intervals) found in the query interval.
>>> genome37 = Genome('hg19')
>>> interval = genome37.interval('chr1', '+', 40000, 40080)
>>> motif = 'AA'
>>> genome37.find_motif(interval, motif) # doctest:+NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
[Interval("chr1", "+", 40031, 40031, "hg19"),
Interval("chr1", "+", 40061, 40061, "hg19")]
# TODO: Longterm we'll want to move towards a generator function to be more efficient
# TODO: on long intervals.
if match_position == '5p':
match_position = 0
elif match_position == '3p':
match_position = len(motif)
if not (0 <= match_position <= len(motif)):
raise ValueError("Require 0 <= match_position <= len(motif) [match_position={}]".format(match_position))
strand = interval.strand == '+'
# All motif finding is done on the reference strand. Therefore the motif
# is reverse complemented when the interval is on the reverse strand. As
# well, the match_position is recomputed to be applied from the end of the
# motif (such at it is correct on the reverse strand), e.g. '5p' means
# match_position = 0 on the forward strand and match_position = len(motif) on
# the reverse strand.
if not strand:
match_position = len(motif) - match_position
motif = motif.upper()
dna_start = interval.start
if not strand:
motif = reverse_complement(motif)
dna = self.dna(interval.as_positive_strand())
motif_hits = []
offset = 0
if find_overlapping_motifs:
offset_step = 1
offset_step = len(motif)
while True:
pos = dna.find(motif, offset)
if pos == -1:
pos_genome = dna_start + pos + match_position
hit = _interval.Interval(interval.chromosome, interval.strand, pos_genome, pos_genome, interval.refg)
offset = pos + offset_step
return motif_hits
def reference_genome(self): # pragma: no cover
"""The name of the reference genome.
The name of the reference genome that any resources map to, e.g. "hg19" or "hg38".
return mock_result(str)
def chromosomes(self):
"""A list of valid chromosome names for this genome."""
return list(self._chrom_sizes().keys())
def chromosome_size(self, chromosome):
"""Returns the size of the given chromosome, in bp.
The size of the given chromosome, as number of basepairs.
return self._chrom_sizes()[chromosome]
except KeyError:
error_message = "No such chromosome: %s. \nSupported values: %s" % (chromosome, self._chrom_sizes().keys())
raise ValueError(error_message)
def config(self):
"""The configuration strings of this genome.
The config used to initialize this object.
return mock_result(str)
def data_dir(self): # pragma: no cover
"""The data_dir from which resources are opened.
The path to where resource files are being opened.
return mock_result(str)
def __repr__(self):
return f'Genome("{self.config}")'
def _chrom_sizes(self):
if self._chromosome_sizes:
return self._chromosome_sizes
self._chromosome_sizes = {}
with open(self._chrom_sizes_filename()) as file:
for line in file:
(key, val) = line.split()
self._chromosome_sizes[str(key)] = int(val)
return self._chromosome_sizes
def _chrom_sizes_filename(self):
from . import gk_data
# If this Genome object has a custom data_dir resource, we must respect it.
datafile_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, f"{self.refg}.chrom.sizes")
# Before returning, ensure that the path resolves to an actual file
# on the local file system, pulling from store if necessary.
return gk_data.resolve_datafile_path(datafile_path)
def _load_appris(self):
"""Parse the APPRIS text file corresponding to this genome's annotations."""
import pickle
from . import gk_data
from ._gk_data_config import get_appris_filename
# Figure out which annotation version we should match with APPRIS
datafile_name = get_appris_filename(self.config)
datafile_path = os.path.join(self.data_dir, datafile_name)
datafile_path = gk_data.resolve_datafile_path(datafile_path)
except Exception as e:
raise ApprisNotAvailableError(f"APPRIS not available for {self.annotation.filename}") from e
with open(datafile_path, 'rb') as fp:
data = pickle.load(fp)
# List of int, where item [i] is the principality index (0..6) for self.transcripts[i]
self._appris_indices = data[0]
# List of Transcript indices, ordered by APPRIS index
self._appris_transcripts = data[1]
# List of lists, where item [i] is a list of Transcript indices belonging to self.genes[i],
# ordered by APPRIS index.
self._appris_transcripts_by_gene = data[2]
def appris_transcripts(self, gene=None):
"""Returns a list of transcript objects ordered by our custom APPRIS index.
If a gene is provided, returns a list of transcripts for that gene ordered by decreasing priority.
gene : :py:class:`~genome_kit.Gene` | :py:class:`str`, optional
Restrict to a specific gene. If using `str`, use the geneID.
:py:class:`list` of :py:class:`~genome_kit.Transcript`
A list of transcripts that have APPRIS scores available. If a gene is provided as input, a list
of transcripts for that gene in the order from most to least principle; so the first transcript should
be used as the canonical.
APPRIS data is not available for this genome's annotations.
if self._appris_transcripts is None:
if gene is None:
# Use all transcript indices ordered by principality.
transcript_indices = self._appris_transcripts
if isinstance(gene, str):
# Get transcript indices ordered by APPRIS principality.
gene = self.genes[gene]
gene_idx = self.genes.index_of(gene)
transcript_indices = self._appris_transcripts_by_gene[gene_idx]
transcripts = [self.transcripts[i] for i in transcript_indices]
if gene is not None:
for transcript in transcripts:
assert transcript.gene == gene, f"Unexpected gene {transcript.gene} for transcript {transcript}"
return transcripts
def appris_principality(self, transcript, as_string=False):
"""Returns the APPRIS principality index (isoform specific number) for this transcript.
An APPRIS principality index is an integer from 0..6 where 0 is considered most prinicpal and 6 considered least
In the original APPRIS database, the 7 principality levels are reported using strings, in the following order::
appris_index_names = [
"PRINCIPAL:1", # index 0
"PRINCIPAL:2", # index 1
"PRINCIPAL:3", # index 2
"PRINCIPAL:4", # index 3
"PRINCIPAL:5", # index 4
"ALTERNATIVE:1", # index 5
"ALTERNATIVE:2", # index 6
See the `APPRIS database documentation <http://appris.bioinfo.cnio.es/#/help/database/report>`_ for details.
The APPRIS version defaults to `2017_05.v22` most annotations; see _build_appris.REMOTE_FILES for the rest.
transcript : :py:class:`~genome_kit.Transcript` | :py:class:`str`
A transcript to query.
as_string : :py:class:`bool`, optional
Toggle True if the APPRIS principality string (e.g. `"PRINCIPAL:1"`) is desired.
:py:class:`int` | :py:class:`str`
The APPRIS principality index [0..6] of this transcript, or the string representation if
APPRIS data is not available for this genome's annotations.
if self._appris_indices is None:
if isinstance(transcript, str):
transcript = self.transcripts[transcript]
# Index of transcript object
tidx = self.transcripts.index_of(transcript)
if as_string:
return self._appris_principality_strings[self._appris_indices[tidx]]
return self._appris_indices[tidx]
class ApprisNotAvailableError(RuntimeError):